Alan Jones, President and CEO
A life-time Central Coast local and our fearless leader; that’s Mr. Jones. Alan and his wife of 52 years, Janet, have been in the aviation industry for nearly the entirety of their marriage. Alan’s pride lies in the accomplishments his school’s students can achieve when their passion is coupled with SunWest’s downhome professionalism.
Janet Jones,
Accounting Manager
Our numbers gal, our “First Lady;” that’s Mrs. Jones. Janet’s favorite accomplishment is being a mother, but running SunWest with her team is a close second. Known for her caring nature and sharp wit, Janet brings to SunWest a much-needed sense of home alongside nearly 40 years of experience.
Hector Navarro,
Office and Flight School Manager
“World’s Best Boss” - Katherine
Katherine Parker
Office Assistant
“Oopsies” - Katherine
Valeria Iniguez
Office Assistant
“I’m scared of heights!” - Valeria