Last month, we learned how to tie a knot. We also talked about discarding empty oil containers from the plane.
Ensuring you haven’t left empty oil containers in the aircraft is critical to a smooth operation, but let’s back up a minute. Do you know how to put oil in the aircraft? Let’s join Scott and take a look:
Now you’re well-oiled and ready to go!
Bring it In, Take it Out
There are a million and one things that we take into the plane when we fly. Kneeboards, checklists, iPhones, iPads, pens, water bottles; the list goes on. And the equipment is certainly necessary! But almost everything that goes into the plane must come out of the plane after your flight.
The plane is small to begin with, and it becomes even smaller when personal items are left here and there. Not to mention, if you leave items behind in the aircraft, they can often become misplaced or they can disappear completely. We encourage you to form a habit of checking the cockpit environment as you exit the aircraft!
FOR STUDENTS ONLY: Under Half? Add Gas
An empty tank is not only depressing, it’s a hindrance to a pilot’s plans. If you leave the aircraft (after flying) with next to no gas in it, you impede the forward motion of the next student or renter. Take a look at the fuel gauges prior to exiting the aircraft; are they both below half a tank? If so, please call ACI to top off at least one tank. ACI’s phone number can be located in our SunWest lobby, as well as in all SunWest aircraft binders. Having trouble finding it? Just ask!